Congressman tells 18-year-old: “I hate illegals”

February 19, 2013

Mae Singerman, Jewish Social Justice Roundtable Coordianator

PICO, a national network of faith-based community organizations  has put out a call to people of faith based on a recent disturbing incident.

Here’s what happened:

During a recent visit to Washington, Jessica, an 18-year-old aspiring American, walked into the D.C. office of U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher – her hometown congressman – excited to have a meeting with him to discuss citizenship legislation.

The congressman, a powerful man three times her age, told her “I hate illegals,” and threatened Jessica and her family, shouting at her “I know where you live!”

No matter where someone stands on the immigration debate, we know that all people are made in God’s image. Stories like this just make us fight harder in this citizenship debate.

Just to make it clear how many people of faith have Jessica’s back, we encourage you to sign the message below to U.S House Speaker John Boehner to publicly condemn the behavior of his colleague Rep. Rohrabacher.

Click here to sign the message.

Sojourners will take these messages to Speaker Boehner and to the media as part of their organizing work in support of citizenship.

Originally posted at

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