We are proud to work with many partner organizations in the pursuit of justice. Our training and capacity building services help maximize efficacy through trainings, strengthening connections among member organizations, and fostering lasting communities of practice. Please contact us if you would like to work with us. Some of our recent clients include:
- Adas Israel, Washington, DC
- B’nai Jeshurun, New York, NY
- Central Synagogue, New York, NY
- Combined Jewish Philanthropy
- Jewish Council for Public Affairs
- Jews for Racial and Economic Justice
- National Council for Jewish Women
- OLAM Impact Fellowship
- Repair the World
- T’ruah
- The Jewish Social Justice Roundtable
- The Rabbinical Assembly
- The Religious Action Center of the Union of Reform Judaism
- The Temple, Atlanta, Georgia
- UJA Federation
- United Synagogue Youth (Conservative movement)