Apply to Be a Placement Agency

Apply now to be a Placement organization!

The JOIN Fellowship is seeking dynamic social change organizations to partner with us by hosting talented JOIN Fellows in organizing roles for the next academic year.

Partner organizations benefit from hiring capable young professionals recruited and trained by JOIN throughout the year. The deadline for the regular application round is March 27, 2020. Those organizations that have been accepted as a JOIN placement in recent years may not have to complete the entire application – please be in touch with Jihelah Greenwald at if this is the case for your organization.

We have two applications: one for organizations interested in going through our matching process to hire a Fellow, and one for organizations who have an existing staff member they hope will become a Fellow. In each application, you will find the materials to apply for subsidies as well. 

This year, in partnership with Combined Jewish Philanthropies, we are excited to announce the second year of the Empower Fellowship. This opportunity is a track within the Fellowship for Jews who identify as people with disabilities, disabled, or differently-abled, and their employers. Placement organizations that hire Empower Fellows will receive added benefits including funding and additional training and consulting related to accessibility, inclusion, and disability justice. To learn more about the Empower Fellowship, click here. When applying for a Fellow, your application will automatically make your organization eligible to hire an Empower Fellow.

The fellowship Placement application gives background information about applying to become a partner organization with the Fellowship program of JOIN for Justice.  If you have any questions about the application or about the JOIN Fellowship, please contact Jihelah Greenwald at

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