Organizing for Liberation with Rabbi Lauren Tuchman


Event Flyer that with event description, title, date and location as described in the text below, accompanied by a photo of Rabbi Lauren Tuchman.

As we enter the high holidays, join us to reflect with Rabbi Lauren Tuchman and Rabbi Becky Silverstein. As the first blind woman in the world to enter the rabbinate, Rabbi Lauren will lead us in imagining how vibrant our communities can be when we are more inclusive and work to “decenter the center.” Please join us for this exciting and dynamic conversation, moderated by Rabbi Becky Silverstein.


You can access the Facebook event here.

TBZ is a wheelchair accessible location. If you need ASL interpreting or CART, please contact Cole at as soon as possible, and by 9/25 and we will do our best to provide an interpreter. If you are able to offer ASL services, please reach out to Cole as well.

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