The SEA Change Model is a three-part process:
STUDY: In this phase, there is both a deep dive into the history of racism, modern manifestations in the local environment, and analytical tools to understand racism in the world and within the congregation. During this stage an introduction to organizing and how relational organizing can be used to address racial injustice is taught.
ENGAGE: In this phase, leadership teams engage in research projects inside and outside of the congregation. Inside the congregations, this involves seeking to better understand how issues of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are being operationalized, practiced, or overlooked, in diverse areas of the congregation. Outside the congregation, leaders meet with People of Color-led organizations that could be their partners in working to make change in their local communities.
ACT: In this phase, leadership teams launch institutional change projects inside their congregations to promote greater race equity in policies, practices, and culture. They also select external an external partner, or external partners, in order to join their campaigns. During this process, JOIN supports leaders to mobilize, educate, and bring along their larger congregation so that buy-in is created and a broader cadre of leaders from across the congregation is identified. This could also include turning members out to local government hearings, organizing a petition drive, or participating in protests or public actions.
During the pilot, B’nai Israel and Washington Hebrew partnered with Action in Montgomery, working on affordable housing and mental health support for teenagers, and the greater Washington, DC-based Jews United for Justice working on Paid Family and Medical Leave. These partnerships are active still today!