Strong Relationships Yield Connected and Thriving Congregations

JOIN for Justice is pleased to offer a two-part series of trainings for NYC-area lay leaders interested in engaging their congregations in community organizing.  This workshop series is funded through the generosity of UJA-Federation of New York.  Register here.

Our training will encourage and begin to prepare leaders to build their communities around a shared congregational vision, mission and set of values, and create a culture where relationships matter above all else and people are encouraged to deeply understand and work for the interests and stories that drive their fellow members.  See the impacts of trainings like this on Baltimore congregations here and here.

Participants will complete the series with:

  • Familiarity with the key fundamentals of community organizing.
  • The basic understanding they would need to run a listening campaign, a tool that uses structured group conversation to take the pulse of a congregation, build a stronger community by creating space for people to share their stories, help people embrace a common sense of purpose, and identify ways that people can act together to build the community they dream of.
  • The training will conclude with an offer from JOIN for Justice to work with them in the Fall to help them carry out their own listening campaigns.

Date and Time: 

  • Tuesday, April 5th 7:00-9:30pm
  • April Coaching Calls to be scheduled one-on-one with each synagogue team.
  • Tuesday, May 17th 7:00-9:30pm

Location: UJA conference center, 130 E 59th St, New York, NY 10022

Trainer: Jeannie Appleman, Senior Organizer and Trainer at JOIN for Justice, will be leading these trainings. Jeannie is well known as one of the most experienced and successful trainers in the field of Jewish organizing.  Some of the synagogues and seminaries in the NY region that Jeannie Appleman has worked with intensively include:

  • Temple Beth Israel, Port Washington
  • Temple Oheb Sholom, Beth Israel, Chizuk Amuno, and Beth Am, Baltimore
  • Shomrei Torah, Los Angeles
  • Adas Israel, Washington D.C.
  • Town and Village, Manhattan
  • Temple Israel Center, Westchester
  • Rodeph Sholom, Manhattan
  • Shearith Israel, Manhattan
  • Reconstructionist Synagogue of the North Shore, Manhasset
  • Congregation Beth Simchat Torah, Manhattan
  • JTS, AJU, HUC (NY, LA and Cincinnati), and Yeshivat Chovevei Torah

These trainings are open to groups of clergy, staff and lay leaders from synagogues in New York City.  Click here to register.