Registration Now Open for “Don’t Kvetch, Organize! A Master Class”

Screen Shot 2015-05-15 at 1.22.34 PMRegistration is now open for “Don’t Kvetch, Organize! A Master Class.” We hope you’ll join us in our first online course this fall!

Don’t Kvetch, Organize! is aimed particularly at volunteer leaders who are inspired by their Jewish identity to have a real and meaningful impact on the issues they care most about.

Guided by master trainers and instructors, we will examine different ways that community organizing has been used to build a more just world for all and how our Jewish tradition and history inform our own commitments and approaches to acting for justice. These master teachers include, among others:

  • Marshall Ganz: social movement legend, world-renowned thought leader, Harvard educator
  • Heather Booth: nationally recognized and long-time civil rights organizer
  • Ruth Messinger: President of the American Jewish World Service
  • Rabbi Jonah Pesner: Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

Will you join us in this journey? Learn more and register today.

JOIN’s Online Institute will provide a virtual space where Jews across the country can learn about how we can move from feeling overwhelmed and powerless in changing how things work in our communities and society to understanding how we can strategically join with others to act effectively on our values–and do something that will really matter.

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