Siyyum ~ Graduation 2016

1(Pictured above: Fellows celebrate Tu B’Shvat at their Winter Retreat.)

“Siyyum” in Hebrew, literally “completion,” traditionally refers to the completion and celebration of one’s study of a unit of Jewish text. At JOIN, we honor our Jewish Organizing Fellows’ graduation with our own Siyyum celebration. Last year’s Siyyum brought together a vibrant community of people who care about social justice, healing a fractured world, and building the capacity for sustained change. This year promises to be another dynamic event. This is an opportunity for each Fellow to share stories about what they individually and collectively have learned, created, and accomplished during their Fellowship year. (See below for videos and pictures from last year!)

Please join us at our
2016 Siyyum
on Monday, June 20th, 6:00-8:30 PM
26 West Street, 2nd Floor, Boston

Please consider supporting JOIN by honoring the graduates with a purchase of an ad which will be featured in the evening’s program book. Whether individuals or organizations, in attendance or not, all are invited to personalize their ad or well wishes to honor a graduate, or to show your support of JOIN.

This location is wheelchair accessible. For more general information or questions about accessibility, please contact Tali Smookler at

See pictures and videos from our 2015 celebration below!



 See all our videos of last year’s celebration here!