What it Takes: Building Electoral Power in Georgia

Register to join us for this session on June 3 at 7pm ET / 4pm PM.

Captioning will be provided. Please reach out to RB at rbrown@joinforjustice.org for other access needs.

Image Description: “What it Takes Building Electoral Power in Georgia” sits in the top left corner above an image of a ballot going into a ballot box with the date “June 3rd 7-8pm ET” on it. To the right are photos of Nsé Ufot and Lela Ali. Under the photo of Nsé Ufot is her name and “New Georgia Project” under Lela Ali is her name and “Movement Voter Project”. The JOIN for Justice logo sits in the top right corner. 

Georgia’s massive increase in voting and its shift from Republican stronghold in 2000 to a tossup heading into election day this past November was the result of over a decade of strategic, powerful, and creative community organizing across the state, particularly with communities of color and young people. Even then, as a testing ground for restrictive voting legislation and after a primary election rife with problems, flipping Georgia blue was by no means guaranteed. Now, as Georgia has taken the lead of a national movement for voter suppression, organizers will have to adapt yet again. Join us to hear two perspectives on the details of building local progressive power: from Nsé Ufot, Chief Executive Officer of the New Georgia Project, and Lela Ali, State Partnerships Associate with Movement Voter Project. Ufot and Ali will take us through the nuts and bolts of their work to build power one voter – and one donor – at a time.

Captioning will be provided. This call will be recorded and you are welcome to join with video on or off. You may send any questions to RB Brown at rbrown@joinforjustice.org.

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